Finding those who will be the RIGHT fit for you

Giving you the right resources and people for your situation


We continue to grow our network of those who we believe can REALLY offer something for those who are in need of help. We know from personal experience that having access to the right support is one of the crucial elements for the best chance of recovery.

Some of the names below may be very familiar to you, other less so.

Each picture has a clickable link to the website of the relevant organisation, where you can get additional information and the all important contact number.

BUT we want you to feel free to call us at anytime if you are unsure where to turn. We know all those below intimately and will be able to assist in giving you extra information you need to make a choice of who may be appropriate to connect with.

YES! please call us if that would be help you make that decision and take this all important step…ANYTIME!