Connect With Us
We believe in committing our attention, energy and effort to everyone who connects with us, from just a casual inquiry trying to find out information, to those who are in need for themselves or someone they care about.
You all have unique set of circumstances and life event that has brought you to us and you will always be treated with the respect, sensitivity and integrity that we give to all of the people we come into contact with.
You have taken one BIG step already in reading this…take the next one by giving us a call or completing the form below we will talk to you as soon as is possible.
If you are one of our INCREDIBLE supporters, or are interested in seeing how you can help us make a difference to those who need it most, again please connect with us, you are the lifeblood of the invaluable service we aim to continually provide.
Contact details..
Storn Petterson
PO Box 298 Bindoon,
Perth WA 6502
0499 858 394
A message from Storn…
” I know from personal experience, the darkness, the loneliness, the frustration and embarrassment related to the stigma about men and depression, and how this can take you to the depths of sadness and despair.
I also know how difficult it is to find someone to REALLY listen, who understands and is able to point you in the direction of something to hang on to and get the help that may make the difference to you.
The tragedy of suicide for the young and not so young is an epidemic and if our service helped only one person who is in this place to seek help rather than take their own life it woudl have all been worth it. The reality is that we have been able to offer support to many and that is something I, and those who support this project are very proud of.
This is why Bindoon Mobile Recovery Campaign exists…this is why we ask for continued support from the community so we can give back to the community, in our goals of raising awareness, giving knowledge and most important the resources to those who may find it useful.
We thank you all and to those who are NOT OK…please reach out to someone who really knows the sort of pain you are feeling right now., you are not alone..let’s talk.
My life is about helping people, nothing else matters, rebuilding a new life with deep compassionate caring and loving values.
Suicide is not chosen, it happens when Pain exceeds resources!
Pain is the fertilizer of spiritual growth, my pain has been turned into this Anti-Suicide Campaign to reach our Men who are suffering in silence.
God Bless!